Basic First Aid course - online course
The official Basic First Aid course, which meets the requirements of the authorities, can be completed at online! Our Basic First Aid course as an online course also includes practical exercises that can be completed independently. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a first aid certificate valid for three (3) years.
Our first aid training has been rated in public reviews as the best in Finland!
Reform in the name of first aid training
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Kela, Traficom, Tukes, the Finnish National Board of Education and other authorities will clarify the terms used in first aid training. In the future, first aid courses will be referred to as Emergency First Aid Course, Basic First Aid Course, First Aid Refresher course and Advanced First Aid Course instead of combinations of letters.The names of Uskalla Auttaa first aid courses have been changed to reflect the new guidance from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Read more about the new guidance from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Uskalla Auttaa first aid courses:
Basic First Aid course online
Our Basic First Aid online course is the largest and only online basic first aid course on the market, which corresponds to the guidelines of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in terms of both content and actual duration, and includes practical exercises. The course meets regulatory requirements and is suitable for all workplaces.
Duration: approx. 16 hours
First aid certificate: yes, valid for 3 years
Format: online course, self-paced
The basic first aid course can be completed in parts on your own schedule, on your phone, tablet or computer. You can download the certificate immediately after completing the course.
You can start the online course immediately after purchase
Customer satisfaction is top notch
In Google's public reviews, our score is 4.8/5.
The course was interesting. The different subject areas were clearly highlighted. This kept the interest alive.
Interesting and comprehensive training and a very good and clearly professional teacher! Nice to hear also more about emergency care, emergency centre etc.
I thought the training was very comprehensive and good! The videos were good and you gave good example stories.
A lot of stuff, but a clear trainer so you stayed on track. Relaxed but relevant training.
Informative and comprehensive, easy to understand and good instructor. Good that the course was adapted according to the situations we have in our working environment.
Had good information, lecturer was easy to follow, she told in story and speech and had examples.
Even though I had received first aid training, I still learned more here.
The online course was the right learning environment for me. The course content was really varied and I got much more out of it than I would have done from an EA course on the spot. The implementation with videos, readings and tests made the course interesting and intensive, thank you!
A very comprehensive and clear course! It was really nice to be able to watch videos as well as read. The trainers were great and really interesting to listen to. I learned a lot of new things!
I completed the emergency censorship course as an online course. The course was clear and comprehensive, covering much more than teaching basic CPR. The material was in video and text format.
My experience of the training was very good. But the training for drivers to get a directive day was a bit tedious because you have to stretch the time to meet the minimum time for the tasks, i.e. 7 hours. This probably applies to participants who have received first aid training before and are already familiar with the topics and procedures. The task field is missing (a timer) to make it easier to keep track of time. Although there is a clock on your computer, tablet and phone. But it is easy to forget how to keep track of it. The material was clear, the most important points were highlighted with repetition, the instructions by example were nicely executed.
The topics were taught in a fun and interesting way, and the mid-term exams were a good way to make sure that you understood the main points of the subject. I warmly recommend!
After the course, I dare to help. Gave me the knowledge and courage to help. Knowing how to help in any situation.
Clear and illustrative videos support the written part. The content and delivery of the course worked well with the Emergency First Aid for Health Professionals course.
There was a good course with text and clear videos. You could complete at your own pace and could go back to the parts you needed.
It was a good course, I learned a lot of new things! Interesting and varied content and good structure:)
Worked fine, a few times the videos reported an error but maybe it was the internet? Well done course definitely recommend👍👍👍
An excellent online course. First aid clearly and comprehensively presented
The children's first aid course was very informative and the instructor was excellent, I could follow the whole four hours and there was also enough practical training!
A good refresher and a lot of new information. Practice makes perfect and gives you the courage to face the real thing.
The training was good, varied and interesting. I also really liked the fact that you could read about the same subject immediately afterwards. I thought that this way I could learn something interesting. Thank you very much.
Your training was delivered in our workplace as a combination of a 16-hour online course and 4 hours of on-site training. This was a very good and effective combo! The face-to-face training was of a very high quality and the online course had a lot of content, both in text format and as good video content. I am very satisfied with the training.
Well done. New/updated information was gained both during the course and the on-site training.
Basic first aid course for businesses and communities
Our online course makes it easier, faster and more cost-effective than ever to train your organisation's staff. Best of all, the learning outcomes are even better compared to traditional training.
We made it easy and simple to organise training. Your organisation's chief administrator can easily allocate performance rights, track progress and first aid certificates are conveniently uploaded in one place.
Look more information about group pricing and other benefits of our online courses for your organisation.
How our online courses serve organisations
For more information on the Basic First Aid course
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When you want to be sure that you have sufficient first aid training, choose our Basic First Aid course.
Our official Basic First Aid course meets all regulatory requirements and is the most comprehensive first aid training on the market. It has been designed to meet all the different regulatory requirements, ensuring that it also fulfills the first aid training requirements, regardless of the designation or abbreviation used for first aid training. For example, if the requirement is for emergency first aid training, you can always take our Basic First Aid course, as it is a more extensive training and always meets that level of requirement.
Different abbreviations and acronyms for first aid courses have been removed or are being removed entirely from official guidelines and various requirements. Despite changes in occupational safety administration, the use of old designations may still be seen in outdated official guidelines, training requirements, or job postings. However, our basic first aid course is sufficient training in all these situations, regardless of the designation or abbreviation used for first aid training.
Yes, our online courses meet all official requirements and include, among other things, practical training, more extensive content than usual, and are sufficiently long in duration.
The online first aid courses of Uskalla Auttaa Oy differ from the general practice, where online courses may be shortened versions, and therefore may not meet all the requirements of the authorities.
Why are online courses generally shortened versions?
In the field of first aid training, the construction of online courses has often been based on slides and PowerPoint presentations. This makes it relatively inexpensive to build an online course, without the cost of building new content and video production.
The online courses of Uskalla Auttaa Oy are built in the opposite way and exceptionally from the point of view of the student and the requirements of the authorities. We have put significant effort into building the online courses to meet all regulatory requirements and to make them more interesting for the student/course participant.
Our Basic First Aid course is the most comprehensive basic first aid training on the market in terms of content and actual duration. Our online course is structured according to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health guidelines as a 16 lesson course (16 x 45min). Course completion time may vary depending on the pace of the student, but the average planned duration is 16 lessons. See below for the course modules.
Course content
In an online course, you study independently at your own pace. The content is covered in a broader way than in face-to-face training, practical exercises are carried out independently according to the instructions and learning is verified by means of various intermediate questions and a final exam.
The online course will take place on our course platform at You can start the online course immediately after ordering with your personal login credentials. The progression through the online course is logical and simple. The online course is structured in lessons consisting of videos, texts, smaller tests during the course and different exercises according to the level of the course. The online course ends with a final exam.
The right to participate to the online course is valid for two (2) years from the date of subscription. The online course must be completed in full within 180 days of getting started.
After two years, all user data related to the completion of the course will be automatically deleted from the course platform (including the first aid certificate) to allow the course to be completed again.
All users' first aid course completions will be entered into a separate database, as shown below, so that, if necessary, the validity of first aid qualifications can be verified when the user's online course details are deleted:
- First name
- Surname
- Completed online course
- Date of completion
Our first aid certificates are accepted as they are, both for workplaces and public entities. The first aid certificate is valid for three (3) years from the date you completed the course. After completing the online course, you can also download the first aid certificate from the course page. You will never have to wait for the certificate to arrive by mail.
In the official first aid certificates issued by Uskalla Auttaa Oy, the duration of the training, the content of the training, and the responsible person acting as the course instructor are always specified. All our first aid course instructors and responsible individuals for online courses are healthcare professionals who meet the requirements set by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health for first aid trainers.
Does your workplace still require a first aid card in addition to a first aid certificate?
We can always provide you with a first aid card for each of our training courses. On request, we will send you a first aid card by post immediately after the course at a cost of €10.