Online courses - Take a first aid course online!

Complete your first aid training online, quickly, easily and effortlessly. An online first aid course allows you to complete it at a time and place of your choice. All you need is a computer or smartphone.

Uskalla Auttaa first aid courses

First aid online courses

We offer the largest and highest quality selection of online first aid courses in Finland for yourself or even for your entire company. All our online first aid courses comply with the recommendations of ERC and Finnish Current Care Guidelines, are taught by health professionals and you will receive an official first aid certificate (a first aid card will also be sent by post if you desire).

Benefits of online courses

Flexibility in training with an online course

How our online courses serve organisations

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First aid course online or traditional first aid training?

A first aid course can now be taken online as an e-learning training or in a more traditional trainer-led format, where the student interacts directly with the instructor. Both methods have their own strengths and therefore there is no point in contrasting them.

The strength of online courses is definitely their flexibility to meet the needs of the student. Online first aid training is not bound by time or location; it can be completed in smaller segments, and materials can be revisited as needed. In practice, online first aid courses are particularly well-suited for individuals who may not feel they learn best in traditional in-person classes or find it challenging to fit attendance-based courses into their schedule. The strength of on-site training is definitely the constant interaction, which allows you to ask questions to the course leader immediately and to solve any learning problems immediately. Although you may not have direct interaction with our lead instructors in online courses, we are still happy to respond promptly to any questions or concerns you may have, ensuring that you are not left without answers, even in online courses.

Are first aid certificates from online first aid courses as valid as those from traditional face-to-face training?

Very unequivocally, yes they are. All our online first aid courses are designed and structured to include all the same information as the trainer-led face-to-face courses. For example, the Emergency First Aid course is the most common first aid course and, in most workplaces, meets the minimum requirements that have been deemed necessary for workplace first aid training. The first aid certificate and the first aid card received from an online course are exactly the same as for a face-to-face course.  

In workplaces where more extensive first aid training is required and where practical exercises are to be carried out together, the theoretical learning can be carried out as an online course and the practical training as a separate part, which is carried out after the online course.

How does taking a first aid course online differ from traditional face-to-face training?

In an online course, you always set the pace yourself. The study materials are specifically designed for online learning and, best of all, you can always go back to the subject you want to study and review things. The strength of the online (e-learning) courses is definitely the learning of knowledge, and you can check your knowledge with a variety of intermediate questions and a final exam.

In online courses, practical training is carried out independently, even with more detailed instructions than trainer-led on-site training, but without immediate feedback from the trainer. The main point of first aid courses is to learn how to recognise different situations, initiate the right actions and call for additional help if necessary.

In practice, the main differences between online courses and trainer-led on-site training are that the strengths of online courses are definitely the superior knowledge they provide, while the strength of on-site training is the feedback from the trainer, which reinforces the belief in what you are learning.

How does the online first aid course work in practice?

Our online first aid courses are designed and built specifically for online learning. This means that the course materials have not been directly copied from face-to-face courses, but they are developed specifically for the online course. For example, you will not watch recorded lectures or read PowerPoint presentations from face-to-face classes.

Each of our online courses is made up of modules that cover a topic related to the course. The modules consist of videos, different texts with checklists and "mid-term" tests on the topic of the module to evaluate your level of knowledge on the subject.

The online first aid courses end with a final exam to verify what you have learned. The strengths of online courses are precisely that, in addition to us, you can also be sure that you have achieved the objectives of the course in terms of what you have learned, and that you can study at your own pace, where you want.

First aid - important basic skills in a first aid course

First aid skills are vital in situations where quick action can save lives. Basic first aid skills are therefore an important part of every citizen's knowledge. First aid courses provide an opportunity to learn these skills and prepare for various emergency situations.

Providing first aid can be crucial, for example at the scene of an accident or to help someone during a medical attack. The course teaches skills such as CPR, wound care and first aid for other injuries.

Main issues: emergency call and CPR skills

One of the main things you will learn on the course is how to make an emergency first aid call. Taking the right action at the outset can be critical to a patient's survival. The course will also practice situational awareness and how to recognise a serious situation.

Learning CPR skills is one of the most important parts of a first aid course. The importance of resuscitation is highlighted by the increasing prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in our population. The course will include CPR exercises using a CPR training manikin. These skills may be needed in situations where a person suddenly loses consciousness or is having a cardiac arrest.

Wound care and other common first aid situations

Wound care is also a key part of the first aid course. You will learn how to treat wounds properly to prevent infection and speed up healing process. Cleaning wounds, applying dressings and controlling bleeding are important basic skills that everyone should know.

The course will also cover other common first aid situations, such as immobilisation of fractures and first aid in choking. These skills may be necessary, for example, in the event of a road accident or domestic incident.

The first aid course also gives you the opportunity to learn how to deal with stressful situations. Stress management is crucial in an emergency situation, so that help can be administered effectively and calmly.

First aid is everyone's responsibility and duty

It is also good to note that first aid skills are not only the responsibility of professionals. Any one of us can find ourselves in a situation where first aid skills are needed. The skills you learn in a course can save the life of a loved one or a stranger.

First aid courses are usually open to everyone, regardless of age or background. They provide an opportunity to learn vital skills and gain confidence in dealing with emergencies. The courses last from a few hours to several days and include theoretical instruction and practical exercises. The online course allows you to complete a first aid course online

A first aid course is an investment in your own safety and well-being, as well as in helping others. Sharing knowledge and learning skills can be crucial in a situation where every second counts

Everyone should have a basic knowledge of first aid. First aid courses provide an opportunity to learn these skills and prepare for different emergency situations. Whether at the scene of an accident or a medical incident, first aid skills can be crucial in saving lives.

A first aid course will help you deal with emergencies - what will you learn on the course?

Emergencies can take us by surprise at any time and in any place. Whether it's an accident at home, a road accident or even a heart attack in a public place, first aid skills are vital to manage the situation before professionals arrive. The first aid course provides important information and practical exercises to help you learn how to deal effectively with emergencies.

The aim of the first aid course is to give participants basic knowledge and skills in first aid in different situations.The course covers, among other things, resuscitation techniques, wound care, immobilization of bone fractures, and updates knowledge on topics such as identifying and treating heart attacks. The course content may vary slightly depending on the program offered by the course organizer, but generally, it covers a wide range of first aid skills.

One of the key things you will learn on a first aid course is how to give emergency first aid to an unconscious person. The basics of resuscitation, such as CPR and using a heart monitor, are important skills that everyone should know. The course will also teach you how to recognise the signs of lifelessness and how to act quickly and effectively to help a victim.

Another important topic on the first aid course is wound care. You will learn different dressing techniques, how to clean wounds and how to protect them from infection. The course will also cover immobilisation of fractures so that you can properly support a broken limb before professionals arrive.

The first aid course will also give you the skills to deal with various emergency situations. For example, you will learn how to recognise the symptoms of an allergic reaction and administer appropriate treatment. The course will also give you advice on everyday safety issues, such as preventing burns or avoiding accidents at home or at work.

First aid course is not just theory; it also includes plenty of practical exercises. These may involve CPR training using a mannequin or practicing bandaging techniques. Practical exercises help you learn the correct techniques and build confidence to act in emergency situations.

Taking a first aid course is useful for everyone, as it can save lives. Knowledge of first aid and skills in emergency situation can make a big difference when every second is precious. The course will also teach you how to act calmly and effectively in stressful situations.

A first aid course provides essential knowledge and practical skills for preparing for emergency situations. You learn the basics of resuscitation, wound care, immobilization of fractures, and other first aid skills. The course equips you to act quickly and effectively in emergencies and boosts your confidence in your ability to help others.

The importance of first aid skills in everyday life and work - why should everyone know first aid?

First aid is a vital skill that everyone should master. They can save lives and alleviate suffering in emergencies. First aid is the ability to act quickly and effectively when someone is suddenly injured or ill.

First aid skills can be necessary in everyday situations, such as at home, in traffic, or during leisure activities. Accidents at home are common, especially when children are present. Knowing how to respond to accidents like cuts, burns, or poisonings can prevent situations from worsening and help the victim receive necessary care promptly.

First aid skills can be crucial in the event of a road accident. Quick action can minimise the severity of injuries and help the victim to survive before professional help arrives. For example, in the event of a heart attack or massive bleeding, first aid can be vital.

First aid skills are particularly important in the workplace, where accidents and illnesses can occur. Employers have a duty to ensure the safety of their employees and to provide appropriate first aid training. Staff at the workplace who know how to administer first aid can save a colleague's life or prevent a situation from getting worse before professional help arrives.

Mastering first aid skills also increases the overall feeling of safety in everyday life and at work. Knowing that you can help others in an emergency gives you confidence and peace of mind in stressful situations. First aid skills can also encourage other people to do the same and contribute to the safety of the wider community.

First aid training can teach you the basics of CPR, wound care and dressing techniques, and communication skills for emergencies, among other things. The training also teaches how to recognise and treat different types of injuries. First aid training is often provided in communities such as workplaces, schools and voluntary organisations.

Everyone should strive to learn first aid skills. They can be crucial in a situation where help is not immediately available. First aid is a skill that can save lives and alleviate suffering. It is also part of responsible citizenship and helps create a safer environment, both in everyday life and at work.

First aid course for families with children - how to prepare for accidents and illnesses in children?

In families with children, accidents and injuries are unfortunately common. Children's curiosity, energy and playfulness can sometimes lead to accidents, so it's important that parents know how to react in an emergency. A first aid course for families with children provides valuable information and practical skills for these situations.

On a first aid course, participants learn to recognize various accidents and medical emergencies, as well as their corresponding first aid measures. The course covers topics such as wound care, initial treatment for burns, recognizing respiratory difficulties, and CPR techniques. Additionally, the course provides guidance on how to respond in case of poisoning or an allergic reaction, among other situations.

The course will also help parents learn how to prevent accidents at home and outside the home. They will get tips on how to create a safe environment and advice on how to deal with dangerous situations.

First aid skills are really important with children

First aid skills are particularly important in families with children, who are more vulnerable to accidents and illnesses. They may not be able to ask for help or express their pain clearly, so it is important for parents to be able to recognise emergencies and act quickly.

The skills learned in a first aid course can save a child's life or at least make child feel better before professionals arrive. The course also gives parents confidence and peace of mind in the event of an emergency.

No previous first aid experience or medical background is required to complete the course. It is suitable for all families with children who want to be prepared for possible accidents and illnesses. 

A first aid course for families with children can also be a good opportunity to get to know other parents at the same stage of life. The course is a great opportunity to exchange experiences, share concerns and learn new tips from each other on how to keep children safe.

In families with children, accidents and injuries are unpleasant and scary situations, but you can prepare for them. A first aid course for families with children provides important information and practical skills to help parents respond quickly and effectively to emergencies. Completing the course will give parents confidence and peace of mind and help prevent accidents at home and outside the home.

Providing first aid while outdoors - specific situations you may encounter on your excursions

Getting out and spending time in nature offers many opportunities for relaxation and adventure. Hiking, trekking and outdoor activities are popular around the world. While nature offers great experiences, it can also pose unexpected dangers.

It is important to be prepared to face specific situations and to be able to provide first aid in the event of natural disasters. This article discusses some common special situations that you may encounter on hikes or when outdoors.

  1. Bites and stings: there are many types of insects and animals in the wild that can bite or sting you. Mosquito bites are common, especially when moving in wet areas. Sometimes a bite can also be caused by a poisonous spider or snake. 

If you are a victim of a bite, it is important to calm down and assess the situation before taking action. In the case of a toxic bite or sting, make emergency call immediately and try to hold the bite site in place. Do not suck the poison out with your mouth as this can cause further damage.

  1. Hypothermia: When hiking in cold conditions, the risk of hypothermia increases. Hypothermia refers to the lowering of the body temperature to a dangerously low level, which can lead to severe health problems. Symptoms may include fatigue, shivering, and confusion. 

If you suspect you or someone else is suffering from hypothermia, it is important to move immediately to a warm place and change from wet clothes to dry ones. Offer a warm drink and cover the person well with the blanket.

  1. Burns: The use of fire on hikes can cause burns if precautions are not followed. 

If someone gets a burn in nature, the first step is to extinguish the flames with water or another extinguishing agent. After that, it is important to cool the burned skin with cool water for about 10-20 minutes to alleviate pain and prevent the injury from worsening.

  1. Injuries to limbs: accidents can happen on excursions, for example as a result of falls. 

If someone injures a limb, it is important to assess the situation before taking action. Do not attempt to move someone if you suspect a fracture or serious injury. Instead, support the limb and call for help immediately.

  1. Poisoning: In nature, there can also be toxic plants and mushrooms that can cause poisoning if ingested accidentally. 

If you suspect poisoning in the wild, call the emergency number and be as specific as possible about what has happened. Try to keep the person calm and prevent them from ingesting more of the possible poison.

Learning and practising first aid skills is key in case of specific situations that may occur on a trip or outdoors. It is advisable to attend first aid courses to gain basic knowledge of first aid and how to administer it in different situations.

Nature offers many wonderful experiences, but it can also harbour unexpected dangers. By being prepared for specific situations and knowing how to administer first aid in the event of an accident, you can help yourself and others to enjoy nature safely.